Saturday, December 14, 2013

Romo and Interieurs…a collaboration

 Romo window by Interieurs

Ever since Romo started to distribute their fabrics to the US, I have been relying on their luxurious, colorful, soft textiles. Romo is now one of the leading textile company with the most amazing talents designing, creating and weaving textiles.
I have developed a close working relationship with Romo, and this holiday season, Interieurs designed the Romo Holiday window, on view in the New York Design and Decorators Building entrance windows.

The purpose was to evocate a mental image of a winter wonderland…..

Please, stop by and  browse

The Romo team, drill in hand

 Jennifer  (Interieurs)  following instruction from Anthony…something wrong with this pic? us ladies are doing all the manual labor.. I need to mention that I basically flew from an all day stressful loft installation in Tribeca to the Romo window instal….Jennifer saved me as I ridiculously fell off the ladder...

Unveiling of the window. Jessica treated us all to some wonderful bubbly back in her Showroom

Welcome winter!

A Bientôt,



  1. I liked your working style and i hope it will more beautiful after the complete work. Awesome Home decor Ideas

  2. Ah Francine, beautifully done with the Jose Estevez lighting!
    The Arts by Karena

  3. Francine-
    You truly are one of the most talented designers out there. I use your images for desktop images because they are so perfect in style, texture, and colors!
    The window is perfection!

  4. their linen has a beautiful drape...I adore it, and sure it's going to be a great collaboration :)


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