Sunday, December 19, 2010

New York Fairy Tale

My favorite line from Peter Pan...I believe..I believe..I love fairy tales, in my waking hours, I replay images of times gone by when my sons would sneak by the fireplace in hope to get a glimpse of Santa. At this hour, my house is filled with youth, my sons, their college friends, my french cousin and her girlfriend, every room slept in, every sofa slept in...all these years gone in a flash, wonderful years. I have an incredibly busy week ahead with job site visits, meetings and design presentation for a 7000 sq/ft loft on Christmas Eve!

I am stopping the clock just for a moment to live for a few minutes in a fairy tale world offered to us by Tiffany's. I live in a world of books, books the library, my bedroom, dining room, kitchen, living room, halls, family room. I treasure every book, every written page...thank you Tiffany for creating the most wonderful world of fairy tales in the land of the written page.

Angel On Rockefeller Center

The stories of Life are filled with fairy tales...please believe
Enjoy the Season, Francine

Monday, December 13, 2010

An Exhibition of Paper designs

Ever since my visit to japan, I have been fascinated by the art of origami and paper designs, so when I received an invitation to the opening of the Pratt's School of Art and Design  exhibition of paper design at the Ralph Pucci showroom, I braved the crowded subways, the freezing cold as this is the show I would not miss.

50 Pratt students from various disciplines, fashion design, fine arts, industrial design and interior design were competing  for the best garment designs and top sculpture design. Student spent a semester studying texture and form to dress Pucci's Spring 2011 mannequins.
Thanks to my I phone, I'll share my favorites creations (please forgive the mediocre images..). My very talented friend Antoine Bootz photographed the exhibition, can't wait to see the photos.

The winner! Just think the hours spent drawing and laser cutting the paper

 read the full story here

Thursday, December 9, 2010

CROSS-POST: From Tish Jett's "A Femme d'un Certain Age"

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tish Jett, a great American blogger who pulled up stakes here and moved to France (almost the mirror image of my life) very graciously asked me to contribute pictures and my thoughts on holiday decorating. I was very flattered by the compliment so, here is Tish's Post in full, or go here to see it natively

Deck the Halls, Tables, Doors. . . Part II

Bienvenue to the second day of exquisite holiday decorating. 

What I'm discovering with the remarkable and varied talents of the interior designers who so graciously agreed to participate in this week-long series, is that creating beauty -- even for ephemeral moments like a meal, a fireplace mantle, a Christmas tree -- brings such richness, pleasure and joy to life that every second of effort that goes into making a home sparkle in celebration of the season might very well be the true definition of magic. 

Today the tremendously talented, Francine Gardner (dash over to see her blog, Art de Vivre
-- it most definitely is the definition of l'art de vivre), lets us peek into her home to see how she sets her table, decorates her tree and welcomes her friends with the entry, pictured above.


My decorating suggestions: Keep it simple, ethereal, scented, filled with memories or treasured moments and always, always a real tree.


I prefer monochromatic trees and especially white. This year my tree is sparkling. I always have white doves perched on branches, small mirrors to reflect the lights, cascading seeds and rhinestones.

I love a chaise by the tree with a cashmere blankets and pillows where I rest in the evening, reading or reflecting on the year that is about to end.


I invite friends for Christmas lunch, usually for 16 to 20. My husband cooks and I set the table. We have a rich lunch of fois gras, duck a l'orange, a perfect Bordeaux, a buche de Noel and Armagnac -- I am, after all, from Gascogne.


I love formal table settings from bright reds and orange to pure white and silver. This year the table will be glittering white to end what has been a rather difficult year in shimmering style.

Finally, I dress my entry console with simple greenery.

 And, in my showroom, I just placed butterflies on moss covered branches in lieu of ornaments.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Portrait of an artist: Jason

My Interieurs showroom is really a curated collection of artists, artisans, bench made furniture intermixed with contemporary pieces which encapsulates the essence of Interieurs' principal theme: "Modern Soulful Living"

I would like to introduce "Jason" an artist at heart, with a vision. We both share the same passion for bringing back the objects of our industrial past, a bygone era, that was once the greatest strength of America. I love to learn the harsh lessons of the past and my visit to Cleveland was as if I stepped back in time.

Jason invited me to visit his studio where he hand blows the shades for our glass pendants, floor lamps and vases. I was fascinated to watch him work, and it gave me a real appreciation of the skill and arduous efforts that go into every one of his creations.

One of his amazing chandeliers

I love rummaging  through old warehouses, industrial junkyards and visiting Jason's warehouses filled with industrial machinery taken apart, backyard covered with discarded wheels, bases, got my creative mode going full force. From pieces of huge industrial machines, he would salvage various fittings and create pieces of furniture thought after by the most famous designers. Thom Filicia, Clodagh, Ralph Lauren, Jeffrey Bilhuber, Steven Gambrel... just to name a few of our customers who love to incorporate Jason's pieces in their design work.

Jason took me to an auction where he bids on this now obsolete equipment. He strips these machines apart, and would keep this wheel for instance which will become the base of a floor lamp, or wheels for a cocktail table. The remains of the machine itself - after Jason has stripped it of parts for his creations - will be sold by the pound to be turned into recycled steel.

Jason's Grate tables frame the Stephane Sofa

 All these beautiful pieces and many others are available at His lighting collection can be found here.

Jason appears here in a video premier for this blog, blowing one of his signature glass lamp shades:

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