Sunday, March 21, 2010

I Have Not Disappeared...

Sorry for my recent, I have not abandoned the world of blogging and I certainly have a lot of catching up to do.

First...I AM MOVING MY SHOWROOM.....Could anyone have warned me how hellish it is to run a business as you are moving 15 years of bad habits....old stock....mountains of paper, inventorying and clearing out warehouses, Design Studio library with thousands of fabric samples, enough wood and stone samples to build a house, catalogs...why did we hold on to so many catalogs when almost every resource is on line???

Did I mention filing cabinets? Does anyone need any filing cabinets??? I just realized that our (smaller) but ultra contemporary new Showroom entrance glass door is not large enough for most of my furniture to fit through it...

The new showroom will be at 228 East 58th Street between 2nd & 3rd Avenues in Midtown. It is really upsetting for me to leave my beloved TriBeCa but I felt that my business needed a change. The neighborhood residents are coming in and expressing how sad they are that we are leaving, even the local online newspaper is upset at us. The count down started, move day is Friday March 26th and we will try to open April 1st...(no it is not a joke). Very soft opening as we have not even sent press releases.....I hope that any one in New York that reads this humble blog will be able to join us on our opening party, yet to be scheduled...

In this mayhem, one needs a little relaxation, don't you think....well such is not the case.. Last week, on Saturday the 13th, we were hit by a violent wind and rain storm actually classified as a Nor'Easter - but more far more like a Hurricane in power - that took down some of our century old trees and power lines. I barely made it home that night driving endlessly trying to find a road home as falling trees were blocking nearly all streets and roads in Stamford. I arrived in a pitch black house, flooded, son and I moved all furniture out of the living Living Room while my husband was trying to find gas for an emergency generator to pump water out of the house....Yesterday was a beautiful day...we got our power back! One week without electricity, no heat , no water, no septic system, no telephone, no internet, no cell...

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